What Shocked You Today

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What Shocked You Today

What shocked me today ? The moss growing on this MOT’d and taxed Mitsubishi, owned by the guy who works in my local mini Tesco.
I’ve not posted a picture of the inside, as people may be eating 🤢

It did have a for sale sign in it for a while. Unsurprisingly, in its current state it didn’t sell …..
Strangely enough I have bought vehicles that looked far worse, but were fine underneath the dirt.
I once bought a Austin mini automatic that was offered to a garage where I was working and they turned it down @ £50! I bought it and when talking to the lady owner she told me her recently deceased husband always serviced it himself and painted the old engine oil all over and under the car, he also covered all the door seal rubbers with talcam powder, this all sounds very eccentric, but when I got it home and by the way it drove perfectly, I washed it down first with paraffin, then hot soapy water and finally polished it, underneath all the oil was a perfect little mini, which I later sold for a good profit after getting it a new Mot.:)
Strangely enough I have bought vehicles that looked far worse, but were fine underneath the dirt.
I once bought an Austin mini automatic that was offered to a garage where I was working and they turned it down @ £50! I bought it and when talking to the lady owner she told me her recently deceased husband always serviced it himself and painted the old engine oil all over and under the car, he also covered all the door seal rubbers with talcam powder, this all sounds very eccentric, but when I got it home and by the way it drove perfectly, I washed it down first with paraffin, then hot soapy water and finally polished it, underneath all the oil was a perfect little mini, which I later sold for a good profit after getting it a new Mot.:)

Years ago I bought a brown Viva, which once it had a t cut and wax - was actually orange with a white pinstripe.
Alfa Romeo have announced that the EU laws on pedestrian safety have put an end to the numberplate being mounted to one side as all alfas have had for years.

Apparently having the number plate to one side is somehow more dangerous…..
If pedestrians stayed on their footpath, the number plate location would be irrelevant. But sadly, no-one seems responsible to look after themselves any more, it is now others' responsibility to look after everyone else.
If I put my head in a lion's mouth, and get bitten, I can sue the lion.
If cars are so safe why do they have brakes and crush free internal zones???

Left me answer that simply, cars are not dangerous, as cars are not yet sentient .

But in the hands of humans and now robots, they are.

Just as they have always been, can make them as safe as you like.

A head on collision over fifty (really 90) Mph, whether you are in one or hit by another your chances of living are nil.

In a collision under forty, if your over fifty, your chances of dying by the roadsides do not diminish.