What Shocked You Today

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What Shocked You Today

Lack of knowledge on how the three branches of our government; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial, actually work. Lack of a basic understanding of the Constitution beyond the 2nd amendment; the right to bear arms. A 24 hour cable news cycle that editorializes without rebuttal, that panders to the lowest denominator, and puts viewership numbers and profit above the truth.
The Orange Asswipe tells these people what they want to hear, revels in their ignorance and narrow world view, plays on their unjustified fears, and plays the victim so they send him money. They think he is their Messiah who is going to save them from the "God hatin' libs that want to take away our guns, our bibles, our way of life." None of which is true.
Thanks man. That puts a lot of it in context for me.
I was shocked by the tv campaigns in the USA for the elections, they are brutal, they seem to say whatever they like about the rivals.
Decorum went out the window during the Reagan years. I rarely pay attention anymore because it's all bullshit, yet people believe it. Apparently, we get the representatives we deserve.
To give you an idea of how skewed the right wing press is, Comrade Orange took 51% of the votes in the Iowa Republican Caucus. The right wing press is calling it a landslide. If my math is correct, 51% means 49% voted against him. Granted, three others took that 49%. The other thing is that this caucus had a very low turnout due to the lousy weather. That seems to be a squeaker to me.
To give you an idea of how skewed the right wing press is, Comrade Orange took 51% of the votes in the Iowa Republican Caucus. The right wing press is calling it a landslide. If my math is correct, 51% means 49% voted against him. Granted, three others took that 49%. The other thing is that this caucus had a very low turnout due to the lousy weather. That seems to be a squeaker to me.

It could be worse...our current government was voted for by less than 50% of the country.

So more than half of the country did not vote for them, this of course translated into an unassailable majority.
To give you an idea of how skewed the right wing press is, Comrade Orange took 51% of the votes in the Iowa Republican Caucus. The right wing press is calling it a landslide. If my math is correct, 51% means 49% voted against him. Granted, three others took that 49%. The other thing is that this caucus had a very low turnout due to the lousy weather. That seems to be a squeaker to me.
Bit like our Brexit result. Proclaimed "a decisive vote in favour" but just look at the actual narrow squeak which the real result is. and we Scots were decisively in favour of staying in. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/politics/eu_referendum/results

Democracy in action I suppose?
If you knew nothing about the UK Jock,
you would just see Yellow has the advantage in that map 🤔
Sorry Charlie, not quite sure what you mean? I wanted to stay in, as did many up here, but we had to leave because the overall vote was a smidgeon in favour of leaving. Don't get me wrong, unlike many up here I'm not bitter about it. It is what it is and we've now just got to get on with it and do the best we can. It's just that, during my life - I'm 77 now - I've found that in general it's better to work away from within an organisation effecting change little by little rather than jumping out altogether and then thumping on the closed door trying to get the disgruntled occupants to do what you want. throwing the baby out with the bathwater comes to mind?
If you knew nothing about the UK Jock,
you would just see Yellow has the advantage in that map 🤔
There is MORE yellow : Stay / Remain
Than Blue for Leave..

But of course the populations of those regions is much less..
Just experienced a "light bulb" moment Charlie and I now see what you mean. I think you make a valid point if you take the UK outcome as a whole and would be 100% behind it if the result had been randomly scattered around the whole UK. However, I still think it was unfair to drag Scotland along when the whole country majority came out against?

On another subject I think the SNP are scuppered. Their popularity hinged around the charismatic and plain speaking Nicola. Now she's gone I think we'll see their influence and popularity reducing to something like it was a few years ago. I like having them around for the sake of introducing balance to the system but I don't want to see the UK broken up. It's going to be interesting to see if Labour can step their game up and profit from the situation. The Conservatives are so far behind and pretty unpopular that they are very unlikely to be a big factor. None of this helps me to chose who to vote for as my perception, gained over the many years I've so far been lucky enough to live, is that all you do by voting for "this or that" party is that you swap one set of problems for another and the "wee man in the street" invariably gets stuffed and ends up paying for stupid/incompetent decisions made on his behalf by people who, in some cases, have little idea of what life is like for the "wee man in the street" and never seem to be held to account or suffer deprivation because of their incompetence!

Oh wow! did I just say all that? Not my usual "keep your head down Jock" approach to life. Must be due to my somewhat disturbed state of mind just now.
On another subject I think the SNP are scuppered. Their popularity hinged around the charismatic and plain speaking Nicola.
Slightly worse considering how she left.
At this moment in time I have no idea who to vote for, I like none of the options. Yousaf seems ok but does have his anti-white rants now and then, which makes him a bit racist in a way.

Could be worse though, Sunak pretending to know what poor people are is funny to watch.

What really winds me up about al of them is the avoiding the questions in interview. I'd probably vote for the ones that just plainly answered questions.
Slightly worse considering how she left.
At this moment in time I have no idea who to vote for, I like none of the options. Yousaf seems ok but does have his anti-white rants now and then, which makes him a bit racist in a way.
I've no idea where my vote will go either - almost certainly not Tory though.
Could be worse though, Sunak pretending to know what poor people are is funny to watch.
Pathetic isn't it.
What really winds me up about al of them is the avoiding the questions in interview. I'd probably vote for the ones that just plainly answered questions.
Me too, sometimes the "reply" isn't even related in any way to the question posed. It's downright insulting and diminishes that person's credibility with me. Still doesn't seem to affect them though does it? Even when sacked from their job they pop up again somewhere else a few months later, often having collected some obscene amount of monetary settlement in the process!
This has pitched up outside my house..

Not for the first time to be fair but had a thought...

It's 35 years old and it's still being used as a van...there cannot be many left when at a time they were everywhere.
looks very tidy for it's age and the fact it's a van.
If anything it's more impressive in that it's absolutely used as a van (that's an allotment over the fence) and is clearly not restored.

They used to look like that in 1995 after 6 years on the road nevermind 30 years later.

You see the odd scrap metal merchant in a "show pony" chromed up smiley transit tipper with the horse brass and pinstripe etc. on it but this is just like someone dropped an ordinary van from the 90s outside.