Panda (Classic) Blue Sisley needs to find a home today or will be broken (F564 BEX)

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Panda (Classic) Blue Sisley needs to find a home today or will be broken (F564 BEX)

May 7, 2011
The East Midlands, Derby.
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I cant keep it from you guys.. I was the one who (will be) buying the car. It should be delivered tomorrow with hope. I wanted to make it a surprise but i could not help my self. Also its good that the panda killer didnt get his hands on it.

The car has got a broken gear box. Which is a shame as my grey panda also has a bit of a grindy broken box :-\

My mum has told me that i must get rid of one panda though so sadly the grey one will have to go at some point.

Will see about getting a gearbox rebuild when i can afford it.

Sadly the money has come from out of talons respray and new mk2 doors fund.

Worth it though i think.

Be nice to get doing video logs again!
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I'm glad you've bought it John, otherwise I think I would have! I did message the seller after it ended and he told me how much he had sold it for and that I could make a counter offer if I wanted, I declined as I didn't want to upset whoever bought it and it was a little too much without seeing it first.

Were you wanting to move the grey one on whole or planning to break it?
I cant keep it from you guys.. I was the one who (will be) buying the car. It should be delivered tomorrow with hope. I wanted to make it a surprise but i could not help my self. Also its good that the panda killer didnt get his hands on it.

The car has got a broken gear box. Which is a shame as my grey panda also has a bit of a grindy broken box :-\

My mum has told me that i must get rid of one panda though so sadly the grey one will have to go at some point.

Will see about getting a gearbox rebuild when i can afford it.

Sadly the money has come from out of talons respray and new mk2 doors fund.

Worth it though i think.

Be nice to get doing video logs again!

Nice one John. (y)

I think Gavin should buy your grey one as an offroad toy. ;)
yeah i just could not help myself. i do plan on pulling the gearbox out of the grey panda as i do know that (though it sounds like a jet powered cement mixer) i can get a few gears after some Russian T34 tank gear selection tactics... aka a hammer. sadly not 1st or 3rd. :/

it will do just so i can move the car under its own power. dont want to dent anything by pushing the car.

yeah i kinda wanted the grey panda as an off road toy but oh well. one day.. when it becomes illegal ill be able to afford it :/

looks like ill be getting it saturday evening..ish. ill be out on that day but my brother said he will be able to handle things.

oh and be ready guys. the marbella will be coming up for sale soon too. well in 2 months time when the insurance runs out so get ready for that to appear in the for sale section.