
500 (Classic) '65 RHD F Restoration


Hi guys :)

My name is Steve, and I'm a rusty-old-car-aholic :p

I've been quietly browsing the forums for a while, and slowing collecting knowledge while looking out for a 500 project. A few weeks ago I took the plunge and bought a project, it's definitely not the best starting point, but it's also far from the worst.

It's a RHD 1965 500F in dark blue. It appears to have been off the road since the mid 80s, and was recently purchased by a trader who was clearly looking to getting running and flip it for a profit before he realised just how much was wrong with it (and there is quite a lot wrong) beneath the surprisingly shiny paint job.

This means it's come to me already mostly disassembled. I'm aware this is a bad idea, especially as this is my first 500 and so I'm not familiar with how it all goes back together... It can't be that complex though can it?! :p

In the photos you can see how it looked as delivered to me, and also how my other classic (also resurrected from a 30+ year lay up period) dwarfs it!

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So speaking of muddling on... what have I been up to these past few weeks I hear you ask?

Picking up where we left off, I was continuing to potter on with some of the smaller mechanical bits. The handbrake was looking a bit crusty.


So thats got pulled to bits...


... before cleaning, polishing of sliding surfaces and a quick lick of paint.


The windscreen wiper mechanism got the same treatment.



And that essentially brought us to the end of the mechanical bits in my boxes of part!. I did have the fuel tank on my list at this point but one quick look inside...



... and I decided that it would not be in my best interest to do battle with trying to save this one. If, like my Daimler, a new tank was north of £500 then I'd be out there now trying to clean it before using a fuel tank liner to seal it and trying to clean and repair the sender. But as a new 500 fuel tank comes in around £150, so I think I'll just put my old tank I the scrap pile and move on!

As I still had a couple of weeks till I would be able to make my next big parts order, I thought I'd make myself useful and start on some of the more cosmetic cleanup needed on some parts.

I started with the hub caps. They needed a good wash first, with hot soapy water and fine wire wool getting the heaviest corrosion off. After that a bit of Autosol and a buffing pad on the pillar drill made light work of giving them some shine. I did do all 4!


I then turned my attention to the steering column. The steering wheel was covered in a sort of baked on dirt, the best way to shift it again seemed to be to go at it with some fine wire wool, and then polish it back up with some cutting compound. I also painted the column itself and glued my light/indicator stalks. If they do fail I will still be able to operate the switch and then can swap it out for a modern replacement, so I figure its worth a punt on repairing the originals first.

I also had a go at the speedo. Again it was covered with baked on dirt and also appears to be sun damaged on the top, with some heavy brown staining. Again wirewool was able to cut through the dirt and then I polished the plastic back up with compound. The speedo itself comes apart easily enough and the staining on the dial cleaned up surprisingly easily.

Here's a before:


And after:



At this stage I had been paid and could order the next pile of bits. This meant I could continue to put the rear suspension back together. The rear wheel bearings were first on my list.


All fairly straight forward. Getting the preload right with the crushable spacer took a little careful work but was not as bad as I was expecting from some of the things I'd read online! Next I could assemble the rear brakes.


Like the fronts even with the shoes fully retracted I struggled to get the drums on. But this time I found a clearer problem. The pins on my original handbrake linkage were all seized solid so I had purchased replacements. Comparing the old to the new, one of the new link was approx 2mm longer than the old.


And this was enough to hold the shoes out a touch even with the handbrake arm fully retracted. A little tickle with the angle grinder adjusted my new linkage and now I could get the drums on.


And then my last job on this little assembly was to run a bit of brake hardline from the wheel cylinders to where the Flexi lines mount on the suspension arm.


So now I've got a pile of nice shiny mechanical bits cluttering up my shed, and with the underside of the shell now complete, it seemed only logical to start bolting some of them on! Front suspension and steering first.


And then the rear suspension (note to self wipe those oily finger prints off! haha). My Haynes says the rear suspension arms should be shimmed to make sure the track width is equal each side, but I'm not finding much information about it online? All my original shims were rusted to bits and these are new arms anyway, so would need different shims I presume. For now I've just used some washers to centralise the arms in the adjustment. A quick check with a tape measure suggests they are probably close enough! Any advice on measuring this on the car (I've seen the post about the special Fiat tool!) would be greatly received?!


And then, I couldn't not bolt some wheels up. This is the first time the car has sat on its own wheels in my ownership, so quite a little milestone. The wheels themselves will need a clean up and paint and the tyres are definitely going to be replaced bone there car goes on the road, the rear tyres are remoulds which is enough to scare me off using them even if they weren't heavy perished and hard as plastic. haha.


It's sitting a little high... There's still an awful lot of car left t bolt together, not least the engine and gearbox!

Given that the weather is not yet really suitable for bodywork, it seemed logical to tackle the engine and gearbox next. By the time I've dealt with them spring should be on its way and I can go back to paint prep and painting before continuing to assemble the car.

So let's start wit the gearbox. It's a dirty old thing...


I presume it was a mixture of waxoyl, road dirt and baked on gearbox oil. Either way the engine degreaser spray I'd bought made no dent on it. White spirit and lots of elbow grease had a better result, not perfect yet but plenty good enough for now to get it inside the shed and to not risk dirt falling inside when I open it up. Cup for scale here, its like a toy gearbox!


The main job for the gearbox is to replace the driveshafts. A previous owner has decided to weld together what should be a splined joint, not quite sure why?!


Anyway, new driveshafts seemed a sensible move! It was at this point I realised that replacing the drive shafts is not as straight forward as it sounds, the differential needs to come out and be split in half to extract the shafts. This is as far as I've currently got.


With the gearbox this far apart I'm not 100% confident that the input shaft turns as smoothly as I'd like, theres a bit of a bearing noise. So I suspect I will be digging into the rest of the gearbox after all!

Thinking of the gearbox, can anyone confirm if the gear selector should be sprung to hold the stick upright when in neutral? I can select all 5 gears (4 forward + revise) fine by moving the selector on the gearbox, but when in neutral there's no resistance to twisting the selector / moving the stick side to side. I would expect it to be sprung to the centre?

As I'm going to be pulling the box apart anyway to look at the bearings I'm sure it will be obvious if there's a broken spring or anything, but never hurts to ask!


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Hi, looks like youre doing a grand job there. Some gearsticks have a spring to hold the stick in the upright position,it will be obvious if it should have one, (within the metal box at the base of the lever), if it doesnt have one dont worry.
Hi, looks like youre doing a grand job there. Some gearsticks have a spring to hold the stick in the upright position,it will be obvious if it should have one, (within the metal box at the base of the lever), if it doesnt have one dont worry.
Just a little clarification here, the correct position for the gear-lever is vertical and this is determined by the position of the gear-lever box in the tunnel and can be adjusted by the two mounting bolts that show on the right hand side of the tunnel.
The additional spring you find on some gear lever assemblies is actually an anti vibration spring. This spring was never fitted to the Fiat 500 or early 126 set up but the later 126 unit with the anti vibration spring is a straight swap for the 500.
Just a little clarification here, the correct position for the gear-lever is vertical and this is determined by the position of the gear-lever box in the tunnel and can be adjusted by the two mounting bolts that show on the right hand side of the tunnel.
The additional spring you find on some gear lever assemblies is actually an anti vibration spring. This spring was never fitted to the Fiat 500 or early 126 set up but the later 126 unit with the anti vibration spring is a straight swap for the 500.

.....and a rattling gearstick noise is the bane of my life and appears normal. 🔊

that's the true beauty of being a petrol head doing stuff and learning on the way.
Inspiring others, getting inspired by others, sharing experiences thru forums like this one.
Some of us are more knowledgeable, some of us are more in to the nitty gritty details, but we ALL share the love for old cars...

Let's keep them alive!
Now seems as good a time as any to do an update on the gearbox!

Had I realised what a pain it was to change the drive shafts when I purchased them, maybe I'd have been more inclined to stick with the bodged originals, haha. Anyway, last time the diff/bearings/shafts assembly was out of the gearbox.

The centre of the diff is two sections bolted together, this both allows for adjustment of the spider gear mesh via shims (more on that later) and that once separated you can slide the driveshafts out of the centre out of the diff. It was only when I'd got it in two halves that I realised that my welded up shafts woulds have to be cut before they could slide out. I wish I'd realised this when the box was fully assembled as I didn't have to be quite so careful of metal filings getting about the place!

Anyway, with that sorted it was fairly straight forward to slide the old shafts out, slide the new shafts in and bolt it all back together again.


Excellent, apart from the diff now wouldn't turn! It tuned out that somehow the shim or the side gear that rides on the shim, had hung up when I was assembling the diff and not seated properly jamming the whole unit. Once I'd finally figured that out I was able to reassemble it while keeping pressure on the side gear so that it couldn't drop out of place again. Bit fiddly, but glad I noticed now and not later!

I had mentioned in the previous post that I wasn't sure if the input shaft bearing was a bit rough as there was some noise. This turned out to be a false alarm, as having moved the gearbox off the resonant table top, then the noise totally disappeared! I think the noise was just the sound of the constant mesh gears turning and resonating through the work bench. I took the inspection plate off the top and had a look around and could find nothing too concerning.


So there was nothing for it but to do a bit more cleaning up of the critical surfaces, where the case halves meet for example, and to freshen up a few of the covers with a bit of satin black paint and to bolt it all back together!


So close, but falling at the last hurdle, I managed to pinch the new o-ring seal on the input shaft seal/bushing holder thing. It might have been me, but I felt the new o-ring wasn't a great fit when I put on and might have been part of the problem, so I measured up and ordered some new o-rings with a slightly smaller ID and will try again.


So, presuming the new o-ring goes in without snagging, that should take just 5 minutes, then I can put a tick next to project gearbox and move on to the engine! Thats exciting.

I've not dug the engine(s) out of the other shed yet, but in the mean time a bit of back story and a plan; My car came with the original matching numbers engine, which looked fairly complete if a bit rough. But it turned over ok by hand and had some form of compression. The seller claimed it ran when he poured a bit of petrol down the carb and stuck a battery on it.


Way back in December 2021 when I was bored one afternoon I decided to investigate a bit further and whip the head off and have a bit of a poke around.


What I found wasn't promising. For a start the bores were scored and the top piston rings fell out in two parts...


The cylinder head didn't look amazing either, with some possible cracking between the valves which I believe is not uncommon. Anyway, I didn't look too deeply as I knew it wasn't a priority, I just packed up the parts and buried it in the corner of the shed for later.

Fast forward to April 2022, and I was browsing eBay when I spotted an auction for a 500 engine just 5 miles up the road which wasn't attracting much attention, it seemed worth a punt, especially if it went for less than the cost of a rebore and pair of pistons for my original. I stuck in a low bid and a couple of days later won it for £80!

I was told it was a good running engine when it was removed from the car to be replaced by the usual 650cc 126 engine, but aside from checking it turned over by hand before lifting it into the boot of the Daimler (not a great move as I didn't think about the fact that the distributer was missing when I laid it down and it dumped a bunch of oil in the back of the Daimler...) I've not looked into this any further!

Plan A is to go through both engines properly and then see how cheaply I can put together a reasonable standard engine. Best case scenario I can do some cleaning up, a new set of gaskets, a bit of valve lapping, maybe just break the glaze on the bores with a home hone and have a standard engine that I can hit the road with? Then in time (presuming I enjoy driving the car as much as I expect to!) I might look to build up a tuned up engine using my spare engine parts as a basis.

If this is not possible, for example if I find the bores are damaged in my eBay engine too, then Plan B is to jump right to a moderately tuned engine. I don't really want to start spending lots of money on standard parts, when performance parts cost essentially the same! I'd be thinking something like a 540cc build (or 595cc depending on the price of having the cases machined) with a cam, bit of porting, exhaust and carb change?

Fingers crossed for the cheap option A though, as ultimately that way I'm more likely to get chance to get out and driver the car sooner :) I'm hoping to start investigating the coming week so should have a clearer plan soon!
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Thanks for the clarification on the gear stick centring guys. It seems like mine is fine then. I look forward to the rattle @fiat500... 😂
The '540' route is a good one to go as no machining is involved---just a 'parts swap'. If you DO decide to go to a '595' engine, let me know and I will happily e-mail you a copy of my thoughts concerning the building of a '595' or '695' engine.
Thanks @the hobbler may do that if/when the time comes :)

I’m rather hoping I can do the cheap and cheerful standard engine to get me out on the road this summer, shall have to see how these two engines look when I’ve got them stripped down 🙂
Engine autopsy time! Always interesting, often a bit depressing for the wallet! haha.

So here is the 'new' engine, I bought last year. It was 'a good runner' when removed but you never know how these things are stored, and it was under a tarp in a garden when I picked it up...


Let's start by pulling the head and looking for any obvious problems.


I think we've got a bit of an oil burner here, especially on the cylinder nearest camera. Not a great start. Disassembling the head I found that there were no valve stem seal o-rings, along with a reasonable amount of valve guide wear. So that could well the be culprit of the oiling.


Flipping the head over and we can see that one of the cylinders has eaten something at some point as theres some good dents / marks in the combustion chamber. There is also signs of minor cracking between the valves in both chambers, which from searching up some old threads on here I've read is common on these engines to the point where most cylinder heads would have some level of it if removed and inspected. I gather some people are concerned that the cracking can cause the valve seats the loosen and drop out, with obvious catastrophic results, and if the cracking gets bad it will go deeper than the valve seat and allow air to leak between the intake and exhaust ports. Comparing this to images posted in those threads, this is very minor, and having cleaned the carbon off the port just behind the valve seat I can confirm that the cracks do not extend past the seats.


Working our way down the engine. The barrels/bores have got plenty of vertical scratches / scoring, they also appear to be over bored to 68mm, from the standard 67.4mm. So this engine has done some miles and had some previous work I think.


I gave the piston tops a quick clean up and found matching foreign object damage on top of the one piston. A quick check of the top ring gap showed it to be 0.65mm, which is past the 0.5mm suggested wear limit in the manual.


Moving on to the bottom end, pulling the sump I unsurprisingly found a bunch of sludge. this was fairly dirty / gritty at times and there were some little bits of what looked like coarse wire wool, both in the sump and stuck I the bottom of the oil pick up, not promising!


Fearing the worst I pulled the rods and was surprised to find that the rod bearings looked really good (to my amateur eyes, happy to be corrected!)


The rod journals on the crank too looked good, better than any of the ones on my Daimler crank did...


... and I was pleased to see no signs of scoring or damage on the cam.


At this point I thought it worth a pause to collect my thoughts and also to go back and compare these findings to my original engine. So far I'm not seeing anything catastrophically wrong with this engine, but it's looking like its lived a fairly hard life!

So back to the original engine. I had already seen some signs of cracking between the valves in the head (which I now think I was over reacting to) and knew the top piston rings were broken with some scoring in the one bore, fearing the worst this is why I'd bought the replacement engine, but what else would I find?

Starting at the top, under the cap in the valve cover I found this disintegrating oil vapour filter. It's filled with wire wool type material... this was missing from the other engine so I presume it had been previously removed due to it falling apart. Another reason for the oily piston if the engine is breathing a lot of oil vapour back into the intake...


And so checking the sump I also found bits of the same wire wool type material in the pick up. A lot more black sludge in this pan, generally the inside of the engine is covered in a much deeper coating of carbon, but it was smooth and not gritty like the other engine.


Anyway, we were looking at the heads. Comparing the combustion chambers, only one of the chambers in my original head has a crack in it, and again it's small and doesn't extend below the seat.


The seats themselves are noticeable less worn, suggesting the other head had had them recut / lapped and done more miles. The valves are still sloppier in the guides than I'd like but they are better than the other head. You can also see more of a lip at the edge of the combustion chamber in this head, suggesting the other has been skimmed in there past (or at least skimmed more than this one?!)

The rod bearings, rod journals and cam looked pretty identical to the other engine, you can see the layer of carbon covering the inner of the engine here in this picture of the rod journal.


Revisiting the bores, they appear to be stock size, and the scoring in the one bores actually doesn't look too bad now I've got the piston out and wiped it down


As the original engine is actually looking better now than the replacement, I carried on and completely stripped this down, only really the crank and timing gear left to remove anyway!


I didn't photograph it, but the timing chain seemed fairly slack to me, so one to replace I think. The rear main bearing and the cam followers both looked great to me, which is good news.


The front main bearing is the only one really showing any signs of wear. It's lightly scored with a fair amount of ingrained dirt. It's worth remembering these engines only have a centrifugal oil filter, so as the first bearing to receive oil from the pump I guess this is the one that bears the brunt of that.


The front main journal on the crank was also lightly scored but again probably less so than all of the journals on my Daimler crank and that's happily done 5,000 miles since I put it back together.


So lots to take in there, but once again good news of nothing really horribly wrong, just some wear and tear.

I think my plan will be to do a budget rebuild on my original engine. I will clean everything up and then reassemble it with a minimum of new parts to get me out on the road. It will obviously need a set of rings, I'll give the bores a light DIY hone and a new timing chain & sprocket set makes sense. I'm not sure what to do about the front main bearing, my first step will be to finish stripping the new engine incase that bearing is better but I'm not holding out any hopes? Otherwise I'll probably just clean this one up and reuse it, Im sure it's been like this for thousands of miles and will be fine for a while yet. It's easy to get paranoid about these things! The head will mostly just get cleaned and reassembled but I am going to change the valve guides. I've seen some things online about changing valve guides at home, so I'm going to give it a shot.

I'm going to try and not get carried away and just focus on getting an engine together that will get me out of the road this summer and then I have got a complete spare engine here in need to rebuild which can get the full works and performance improvements for the future. :)

I gave to say it’s been a pleasure working on this little engine. It reminds me of working on a motorbike engine, so much easier than dealing with the bulk and weight of a ‘normal’ car engine, certainly so than the v8 I last rebuilt!


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These past few weeks I've been working on my budget engine rebuild/reassembly.

Starting with the head, I had decided to replace the valve guides, so the first step was to remove the old ones. Having watched various videos online about changing valve guides, I made a little tool up from an old bolt so I could drive the guides out with the air hammer and was pleased to see it made light work of it.



Now with the head fully stripped I could get it cleaned up. I got the worst of the grime off with some white spirit and brushes and then threw it in the blaster to tidy it up a bit further. It's not perfect, but its plenty good enough for now :)


After that I heli-coiled the exhaust bolt holes, I will probably use studs instead as I have seen others do, and then drove in the new guides and then ran a reamer through them to make sure they would be the right size for the valve stems.



The valve gear got an overnight bath in some TFR, which did a reasonable job of cleaning the worst of the grime off. I did still need to manually remove the worst of the carbon build up from the valve heads with a wire brush in the drill though. You can see how much grime had come off the valves by the disgusting colour of the TFR I the morning! haha.




I could now put the valve back in the head, but this is where I ran into a problem, and one I had potentially foreseen. Despite my best efforts to keep things aligned, the new valve guides were holding the valves at a fractionally different angle to the originals (possibly even just how the valve seats had worn with worn guides?) and so the valves were not seating right. Demonstrated here by the light you can see between the valve and the seat when it is touching the seat on the other side.


Having the valve seats re-cut I would presume is the 'right' thing to do, but if I was doing that I would also be silly not to have the valve seats changes for ones that are 100% unleaded safe and obviously fit new valves, then I should probably put a set of valve springs in really... and so on. As this was meant to be the budget option, I thought I'd try just giving them a serious lapping, worst case it didn't work and all I'd done it knackered some valves and the seats that would be junked otherwise anyway. I'm pleased to say, while it was a slow and tedious job, it works and there is now good seat contact all the way round. No light shining through this picture now!

I read mixed things about unleaded on the stock valve seats, same as I did with my Lancia and Daimler. Both of them, like the Fiat, had aluminium heads but there was concern that the material the standard valve seats were made from would still not be up to it, either way I did 20k miles on my Lancia engine on unleaded with no valve seat issues and have done 5k so far I the Daimler with no problem so I have no intention of doing anything different with the Fiat!


With that done it was time to look at the bottom end! The bottom end work started with cleaning the best part of 60 years worth of slime off the crank case.



Much better!

With it all clean, the next job was to heli-coil the threads for the oil pressure switch. Picture of case with stripped out threads before I started, didn't take an after picture apparently!


The engine came with a random bolt wedged in the case here with lots of PTFE tape and RTV. It was only after I'd started on the rebuild I realised this should have been the oil pressure switch. Fingers crossed it was just a 'solution' to the stripped threads and not that someone removed the oil pressure switch to hide the low pressure! (On the autopsy stage there was nothing to suggest a reason for low pressure...)

Next the crank got cleaned, and I removed one of the freeze plugs so I could clean out the sludge trap. Not too much in here, which is good news.


I fitted a new plug and firmly staked it in. I'm aware that these plugs can loosen or even fall out when the engine is run at high RPM, causing catastrophic oil pressure loss. The fix is to weld them in place, but as this engine is standard with no intention to do the mods required to run it at higher revs I decided to just go for a standard staking this time round.

The crank could now go in the cases, with the cleaned up original bearings.


I put the cam in next, with a new timing chain and sprocket set. The old chain was noticeable slack, whereas this is taught, so definitely a wise choice to replace.


The timing chain cover was looking a bit grim still.


So that got a blast and clean up, and I stripped and cleaned the oil pump too and packed it with vaseline to give it something to suck on for first start.



Time to look at the barrels next. I gave them a light home hone, which they seemed to respond to well. Checking the new rings in them, I had gaps that were just larger than the factory spec, but well within the wear limits. So as expect the bores have some wear but it's not too bad.


Now I knew the bores were ok, I gave the barrels some cosmetic clean up. I'm trying to minimise oil leaks and get all of the engine parts nice and clean, because the heating uses the air thats been blown over the engine for cooling. I'd like to minimise the amount of hot oil smell inside the car, haha.


I could then install the pistons with said new rings in the barrels. It turned out I'd lent my ring compressor to a friend, so I just eased the rings in one at a time by hand, made possible/easler working with an air cooled engine with separate barrels :)


Might as well get them fitted to the engine, and then the sump can go on and it can be stood up and starting to feel like we're getting somewhere!



And then the head could go on too. The pushrod tubes aren't great cosmetically, but they are clean and will do the job and I put a smear of RTV round the new seals to give them best chance of not leaking!


Excellent. :)

Flywheel and clutch was next. A new clutch seemed a prudent choice as while both the clutches I had were not 'worn out', they were worn.


And then the oil filter/front pulley assembly.


Fuel pump was next, I pulled apart my old one intending to clean it, but it was not looking healthy...


With rebuild kits looking thin on the ground, a new one was at least an easier solution and not expensive.


I thought I'd look at the carb next. It's a bit of a tired old thing, plenty of bodges along the years and has a section of casting missing from where the intake air tube mount to the top. The important bits are there though, so will do for now! Clearly a deep clean was needed though.


Good job I did a big clean, here's a before and after of the emission tube! Would have never run right like that...



I also checked the carb mounting flange on a flat surface and found it to be warped, very common on these which is why I thought to check! With some oiled wet and dry I was able to flatten it back out easily enough.

At this point I ran into a snag that it appears I've managed to order the wrong carb rebuild kit, so there gaskets I have wont fit. Easily remedied, but not this weekend!

So that's where I've got to on the engine front. :) On the more mechanical side I've go the distributer and dynamo still to clean up / sort out. Other than that it's just cosmetic tidy up of the fan shrouding and valve cover, and that will be the engine part of this project done :)

As the weather is starting to warm up a bit this past week, I have also started making use of a couple of daylight hours I can grab to get stuck back in to the body work. Lots of sanding, endless sanding but the filler on the rear quarters is coming along. I'm working in thin passes, filling in low spots and finding high spots, just a few details to sort on the passengers side (pictured) but there's further to go still on the driver side still.


Still it's positive to be able to be back on the bodywork. I will be very pleased when its painted and done, it will really feel like I'm on the home leg of the project then and the idea of getting to drive it will feel within touching distance.


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Well it's been a couple of months, so I'm definitely due an update! Despite looking like I had a complete engine at the end of the last update, there was in fact still a lot of work to do...

The dynamo was first on my list, getting pulled apart, inspected for wear, cleaned and painted. This picture is from part way through the process. All looked ok, the brushes were about half worn but still had life in them and the bearings felt good. So I chucked it beck together for now.


The starter motor was a similar task...


The key difference here being that 2 of the 3 mounting ears had been broken off, that could be a problem. Unfortunately despite many Fiat 500 parts being extraordinary cheap, starter motors do not appear to be one of those parts! Upon closer inspection the ears had both clearly been repaired (badly!) before, so I thought it worth another go at a repair before I scrapped it.

After a trip through the blasting cabinet to get things nice and clean I clamped the broken section back on and cut a nice deep V into the metal to help weld penetration. You can see one of the previous repairs on the right, very porous weld.


And then I blasted it with the MIG. Yes MIG. My cheap Clarke MIG welder with some aluminium wire, a small disposable bottle of argon, a tip one size larger than the wire (1.0mm tip with 0.8mm wire in this case) and the wire speed cranked up to 11 (well 8.5 actually but it doesn't sound as good) will do some ugly but functional aluminium welding.

With the excess weld roughly ground off (it's not pretty I know!), this will now bolt back up to the gearbox and we will see how long it lasts!


After that the distributer was next to get the full strip down and clean up treatment. I didn't get many pictures, but here it is back in the engine with a new set of points in.


At this stage I also marked up the crank pulley and got it static timed.


So the main thing left on the engine now was the tin wear. After many evenings scrubbing 50 years worth of oil, dirt and general slime off it all, I had a big pile of parts that definitely didn't look as good as the rest of the engine.


Clearly some paint was needed, maybe the fumes in the shed were getting to me but I decided to go a bit wild with it. The first stage was primer...


...then a black base coat....


...then a blue/purple colour shifting pearl, topped with a spatter paint effect with the same pale gold that I've used on all the suspension and brake components.


I think that came out rather well, and realistically it's only me (and you guys reading the thread and maybe the AA man) who will ever see, it so that's what counts.

I could now assemble all the ancillaries to the engine and actually 'complete' the engine part of the project.


I did also bolt it up the gearbox at this stage, to make sure it all went together ok, which it did, but I didn't think it warranted a picture!

In and around the engine work, I have also been progressing nicely with the body work. Lots of this...


Which brought me to this stage, where I was happy with the shape so had put down the coarse sand paper, given any filler a covering of high build primer and then guide coated the whole care ready for the next stage of finer surface prep.


Many hours of sanding later and the whole car is now '400 grit smooth' and primed where necessary. There's just a few imperfection that I've spotted that need a bit of fine filler to fill some pin holes and alike. I'm hoping to get those sorted this coming week and maybe be ready for paint next weekend if the weather is on my side. Fingers crossed!

Not a big update today, but not an inconsequential one either! Today I had a rare day when I was neither working nor parenting and the weather was dry (if rather breezy). It was about good as things were going to get and so I should get on put some paint on the car :)

Masking up always takes longer than I expect it should, and with a bit of tidying up and cleaning the spray gun out that took me till lunch time.


After lunch I got right to it. Ominously there was already a layer of dust / pollen on the car. There are some big trees not far from my carport and the wind was busily knocking the last removing catkins off one of them. Anyway, as I already mentioned I'm not going to get a better opportunity for a while so I wiped the car down again, mixed the paint up and got the first coat sprayed.


Not too bad, no major drama, a bit heavy in a couple of places so I turned the paint delivery down a touch on the gun and gave it a few minutes before getting coats 2 and 3 laid down.



And there we have it, a blue car once again. Overall I'm pretty happy, yes theres a couple of runs and plenty of dust in the finish, but its a single stage paint so in a few weeks will get wet sanded and polished and you'll never know the surface finish wasn't amazing from day 1. The main thing for me was that there were no major disasters! No crazy paint reactions, I didn't drag the air line over any wet paint, it didn't come on to rain while I was in the middle of a coat, etc!

It feels like a major milestone in this project to have it painted. I have a big pile of bits that I can start bolting back on to the car, so hopefully with some things like doors on, glass in and a few bits of trim on, this will really start to feel like a car again :)
Ok, so the big push of painting is over, thats a weight off my shoulders, but the car is far from done and I'd really like to be able to use it and enjoy it this summer. So the big push now is to get it put together and to get driving!

With that in mind, there's going to be some compromises made on the restoration to get the car back together nice and quick! Mainly with trim and other small details, things that are easily fixed in the future. For example, I can put the old warped and dog eared door cards back in for now, and in the future I can spend the time/money to get a nice set together and its only a 1/2 hour job to swap them over. Those kind of compromises aren't really possible when dealing with the body shell metalwork or paint.

Speaking of paint, I did have a couple of details left to paint. I had hoped to hang my doors to paint them, but that didn't work out, so a week or so after painting the main shell I went back and painting the inner edge of the doors where I'd repaired them.


And then to avoid the risk of damage by having them about the shed, it made sense to get the doors and bonnet bolted on to the car.

They went on with all new seals and rubber pads and I'm pretty happy with the alignment. The drivers door isn't quite as good as passengers but I can fiddle and fine tune it in the future, it might help once the door seals have settled in a bit and aren't quite so big and fresh. Right now the doors need a hefty slam to get them to latch!


With the doors on, it made sense to get the glass in next. The plan is to make the car weather tight, then I can give the inside a proper deep clean and start to put bits back in.

The rear window and side windows all had a plastic film on the inside that was yellowed and hazy, the windscreen was fine though. I don't know if this film was standard or not? Either way with some careful razor blade, scouring pads and thinners work I was able to get it all off and can now see through the windows!


Much better! Rear window in first, and whilst it's never a super fun job getting windows back in, I have to say this went fairly smoothly. The small scale of the car definitely helped, as did the fact the the new window rubbers were quite soft and pliable. I used my usual technique. I put the rubber round the glass, wrapped some electrical wire (no strong to hand!) into the seal, lubricated the inner edge of the seal with a bit of washing up liquid and offered the window up to the car, then pulling on the wire while applying pressure from the outside was able to work the lip of the seal round the window frame and seat the window into the car.


With the windows in on their rubber seals, I then went round and squirted a bead of Arbomast both between the glass and the rubber and between the rubber and the frame. I did all 4 windows. It's a messy old job but it's well worth it to avoid any chance of leaks. Once it's dried a bit more I'll go round with a cloth and a bit of water and wash the last of the residue away.

The car came with lots of random stickers, on the windows, dashboard and bumpers. It seemed nice to keep one as a memory of its previous life, so I put the 'blood donors love life' cling sticker back in the front window, and with that the glass is done!


In terms of weather tightness, there's still a rather large hole in the roof, so I best do something about that.


The new sunroof fabric went over the old frame fairly easily. I didn't take many pictures as I was just getting on, but I did clean and paint the frame also. Most of the rear edge of the sunroof is held down with a bar that bolts through to the underside of the roof, but the two outer corners go into a closed section of the roof structure and as such the factory just used self tappers... I wish I had realised this before I did the bodywork! A previous owner had just filled the holes and painted over them. I put new screws in, which was fine on the drivers side but on the passengers side the hole in the roof was clearly enlarged and stripped. I put a bigger thread screw in which is holding for now, but I think I will need to revisit in the future, might be a job for a rivnut or something.

Anyway, for now it's basically weather tight, excellent. So I was going to start on cleaning the inside... but putting the sunroof on hadn't taken that long, the night was still young and I was fed up of tripping over the gearbox in the shed, so I thought I'd put that in next instead,


A combination of it's size and location in the back of the car, made this a rather easy job. Certainly it's a far cry from trying to get the big old automatic in from underneath the middle of the Daimler!

The next day I thought it would be rude to not offer the engine up now the gearbox was waiting for it. Again very straight forward, I got a jack under the sump and was able to just wheel the engine into the bay and jack it up into place while steadying it with the other hand. I did have 5 minutes of fun getting the input shaft to slide into the clutch splines... but it was nothing in the big scheme of these things of putting engines in to cars on my own!



The first of the compromises... as you can see the back panel is currently just in satin black. It's not in great shape, with various dents and scrapes, and I'd kind of forgotten about it when I was painting the rest of the shell! So for now I've given it a quick blast of satin black, which think looks quite cool against the rest of the paint, and it will stay like this for a while :)

So engine in, thats another nice little milestone! Looking at the nice shiny car that's coming back together theres one big eye sore, the crusty old wheels and ancient tyres (two of which of remoulds... mmm safe).

While I had daylight and could run noisy tools I thought I'd get on and get the wheels off, to give them a quick wire wheel down, coat of paint and then I could put the new tyres on. But as I started to let the air out of one of the front wheels, I found the rim around the valve stem was really only being held together by the paint, damn!


The other wheels aren't holed but after I'd removed the tyres and bee over them with the wire wheel, I could see that they were all very heavily corroded and pitted around the valve stem opening.


I could put the new tyres on and you'd never know, but having seen the other wheel gone to holes, and seeing the depth of that pitting, I don't think I'd feel safe doing that. So that rather stopped me in my track. I best get on an order a new set of wheels :(

I'd really like to get some 10" wheels for this. From pictures online I think lowered on 10" wheels with some chunky tyres, they look great, much as Mini's do in the same style, but 10" wheel options are neither cheap or easily available, and it would look silly without the lowering and other mods. So for now, and to get me on the road to see if I actually enjoy driving her car before throwing more money at it, a set of standard replacement wheels will do.

Plenty to be getting on with while I wait for those to arrive...

I was able to find a few minutes to bolt the rebuilt pedal box, steering column and speedo back in.


And made a start on one of the less exciting jobs, threading the loom back through. I don’t mind electrics and, as you’d expect, it’s a pretty simple system on the 500, but as I started with a stripped down car I don’t have many reference pictures for where the loom runs. There’s a fair bit of trial and error and studying of wiring diagrams to be done to work out where it all plugs in…


Having decided that wiring needed too much brain power for what I had left most nights by the time I get out to work on the car, I side tracked on to the control cables that run through the centre tunnel.


Which turned out to be a fairly time consuming job. I wasn't helped here by the fact that my car came to me already disassembled, so I was relying on pictures found online (and a few helpful forums posts!) to work out where all the different cables would run. There's also an order to which they need to go in, and some cables thread from front to back and others from back to front, it was quite the puzzle!

After that I had another look at the wiring, it continued ot be a challenge! I've worked out where most of it plugs in now, thanks to some late nights studying the wiring diagrams, but I'm suffering with an old loom with many connectors in poor condition. The fuse box is a prime example of this, lots of corrosion...


So I've stripped that down and cleaning it all up, and now some power is circulating in the car I can see that the ignition switch is only intermittently working, so I suspect the inside of it will also look like the fuse box did! I think I might have to take all the dashboard switches apart and clean up the contacts. Some more hours of wiring needed!

To build up the enthusiasm to tackle that, I wanted some nice quick wins, so I thought I'd start putting the interior back in. As previously mentioned, this is where I'm going to switch gears from 'full restoration' to 'just get me on the road this summer', so I will 'make do and mend' with what I have and can give the interior a full make over at some stage in the future.

So the first job was to give the bits I have a damn good clean. I tried out using magic eraser sponges, as I saw them recommended on another thread as good for vinyl, and I have to say they did a great job. Just water and the sponge brought these sun visors round with minimal effort.


The sun visors could now go in the car, along with more of the switch gear (which now needs to come back out...), new dash pads and new heater hoses.


When I had some daylight I gave the rest of the interior the same treatment, with mixed results. The sponges dealt with general dirt and mildew staining really well, but couldn't touch where there was under seal overspray on the seats and obviously the front seats are badly discoloured with what I presume is sun damage. I did try some more aggressive options, isopropyl alcohol got the majority of the under seal off, but nothing I tried could improve the sun damage. Seat covers are available and not especially expensive (well not compared to Daimler prices anyway!), so they will get swapped in due course. The door cards are badly warped and mildly discoloured, but again they will do for now.


It was at this point that I realised that as far as I can tell, my 'complete' car in pieces did not include any of the internal door hardware, so I will have to order new door handles and window winders! Not the end of the world, but all these little bits do add up!

Anyway, time to put some interior back in the car. I started by putting some fresh modern sound deadening in. I didn't go wild, 500s are not quiet at speed, and never will be, but it can't hurt to try to take the edge off it! haha


I followed this up with some closed cell foam to replace the original jute and then laid the original heavy sound deadening mat that forms the parcel shelf and rear seat back. For the floor I rescued the original rubber mats. My mats were torn and splitting in many places, and most would bin them and replace them with a new carpet set which is 1/3 of the price of new replacement mats, but I like the utilitarian aesthetic of the mats. After a hose down and clean up, I made patches from some pieces of the old inner tubes and glued them to the back of the mats to join the splits. It's far from perfect, but it's a great improvement from where I started. I still need to fit the sill covers.


And with that the seats could go in, for an almost completed interior.


My new wheels arrived a few days ago also, so I have been able to get them painted up and fitted a new set of tyres and tubes. I'm really placed with the black wheels, they do exactly what I wanted them to.


I stuck the bumpers on too while I was at it, and no I didn't stop to polish them up, I can see light at the end of the tunnel now and it's a mad dash to the finish and to a first chance to drive it!

There's quite a few 'finishing off' type jobs on the list still, but I'm hoping it will only be a handful of weeks now till I can go on that first test run. There's a classic car night at a local pub in a fortnight, maybe I'll even see if I can make it there!


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I felt wide awake at 4am this morning so grabbed my iPad and thoroughly enjoyed reading you account of the engine rebuild as experiences were very similar to some of mine in the past. I could make so many comments but I will just say that you most likely have a 26IMB 1 or 4 carb body there and the carb top may have been replaced with a later one, either that or the thread for the outer stud has stripped. The wire wool strands in the sump would be from the disintegrating oil catcher in the filler neck. Later cars had a small insert that fitted inside the rocker cover breather pipe.
Thanks @Toshi 975 , I'm glad it gave you some late night entertainment!

Thats an interesting point about the carb, I had presumed someone had broken a mounting boss off the carb body, which is why one of the through studs for the top didn't line up correctly. Hopefully it doesn't cause any running issues... But if there's some strange running, then I'll know to look at the carb first!

I had come to the same conclusion on the wire wool in the sump, and have got a new filter for the filler neck. :)
Thanks @Toshi 975 , I'm glad it gave you some late night entertainment!

Thats an interesting point about the carb, I had presumed someone had broken a mounting boss off the carb body, which is why one of the through studs for the top didn't line up correctly. Hopefully it doesn't cause any running issues... But if there's some strange running, then I'll know to look at the carb first!

I had come to the same conclusion on the wire wool in the sump, and have got a new filter for the filler neck. :)
Here is a picture of a Weber 26IMB 10 on left and a 26IMB on the right so you can see the difference.
Stud screws into the main body on the 10 and base flange is very slightly beefier as Fiat were aware of flange warping problems, they still warped though as the idle mixture screw created a weak spot.
I have got quite a few good used 499 barrels and pistons should you ever need one, also got a set of new + 0.060” pistons.
A great job and write-up. Yout way of approaching things is similar to my own and keeps things authentic. Keep the seats; clean them a few times over the months and they might leoo to something more appealing, but I like that muted patina.
Ok so, I ended that last update that 'hopefully within a handful of weeks I can get out on the road', and I'm pleased to say that the goal has been achieved! I pulled out all the stops, and with many late nights in combination with a couple of child free days off work, and I was able to blast through the remaining issues and hit the road! :)

Where I have failed, is in being a responsible build thread author, as I did not take many pictures in this last mad dash to the finish...

Picking ups where I left off, on the wiring loom. The headaches were mainly solved with 3 steps. Step 1, I realised I'd plugged the 'McLaren F1 inspiring interior light in the rear view mirror' in backwards. I had foolishly gone 'well theres two wires to it, theres a switch and a bulb in there, can't see it matters which wire goes where...' wrong! The light actually has 3 connections; +12v feed, earth wire which connects to the door switch and (crucially) it also earths through the mounting bolts should you wish to manually switch the light on. So I'd connected 12v straight to ground, that'll be why the fuse blew! Thank you fused electrics for saving me from melting the wiring loom / burning down my car!

Step 2, I had already hypothesised in the previous post the the ignition switch contacts could be dirty, and indeed they were. I took the switch to bits and cleaning out all out and now it was working reliably. Step 3, I found that several contacts inside my column switch gear were also not working. I had not initially realised that due to the way the car is wired. There are independent contacts in the column switches for left and right headlights, and these dirty contacts lead to strange seeming issues like dip beam only on the left headlight and main beam only on the right! I had already repaired my original column switches, the plastic arms were cracked, and the repairs were not feeling confidence inspiring so, rather than try to clean the contacts inside, I purchased a new set of column switches.

So that was the wiring sorted, and the same parts order than bought my new column switches also brought interior door handles and other little bits I was missing. With those bits all fitted I had, for the first time, what appeared to be a complete car!


And so from assembly, on to preparation for driving. Now I had a complete car, I simulated the weight of a couple of passengers, e.g. plonked a bunch of bits of paving slab and various bits of scrap metal inside the car, and then torqued up all the suspension bush bolts now the car sat at the right ride height. I also did a rough alignment, checking the rear toe wasn't wildly out and doing a quick tracking.

And with that I was ready to see if it would run.... which it did! I thought it might take a while to draw fuel the length of the car from the tank, so while I cranked it over I had a friend watch the clear fuel line to see if they could see it filling up. Within a matter of seconds it had made a cough and run for a moment. So clearly it was going to go, and we caught the moment from there on camera.


As you can hear it's not running quite right... which began the first of several teething issues to solve. The engine seemed ok once given a reasonable amount of throttle, but wouldn't idle without lots of choke, even when warm and transitioning of closed throttle would stumble and almost stall before picking up. Attempting to tune the idle circuit made no difference and so all signed pointed to a non-functioning idle circuit. In hindsight I should have just pulled the easily accessible idle just out, and I would have seen that despite my efforts to clean the carb last autumn I had done a poor job of cleaning the idle jet and it was still partially blocked (it was blocked solid when I first stripped the carb). But I didn't do that, I took the carb off and went through the whole thing again just to be sure there were no other issues. Thankfully there weren't and when refitted to the engine, it now idled very happily and transitioned off idle very smoothly, an easy fix!

Other issues included; the low fuel warning light staying on even when I'd filled the tank (I took the sender out of the tank, found no problem and put it back it then the problem magically went away, I'm yet to use enough fuel to know if the light comes back on when it should!), the gear lever learning forwards a bit and making it hard to get 1st and 3rd even when at the limit of it's slotted adjustment ( I filed out the adjustment slots till the stick was vertical in neutral and this solved there issue) and a vibrating noise that just didn't sound 'right' when cornering left (which turned out to be the gearbox just touching its cross member, so a small tweak to the position of the mounting blocks lifted it a couple of mm and the noise was gone).

I did several short drives, just doing a few laps of the local backstreets till I was happy I'd ironed out the issues and could go for a bigger drive. Saturday morning rolled round bright and cheerful, and what a nice start to the bank holiday it was to take my little Fiat for its first proper run.


So, the paint needs a wet sand and polish yes (and well just a wash to get several weeks of dust and grimy finger prints off it!) but she's looking good! The real question you'll be asking though, is what was it like to drive?

Strange, challenging, very noisy and slow...but ultimately brilliant is the answer!

There is so much sheer joy to be had in really having to 'drive', and with this little car you 'drive', it's busy theres lots to do and think about. It took me several short drives, before I was getting my double de-clutch heal & toe downshifts right, but I feel I've got a pretty good handle on it now. The focus, intensity and satisfaction of driving the 500 round town, getting those shifts right and feeling that nimble light steering talk to me, just keeping up with normal traffic, is like that of thrashing a much bigger faster car down a B road.

Since Saturday I've been using it whenever I can, whether its going out to a local classic car pub night (to which I was late and missed 90% of the cars!) or popping to the supermarket, I've done probably 80 miles or so now. I feel there's still some way to go before I've really mastered the car, and feel totally at home in it, but I love that challenge and I'm already looking forward to my next chance to go for a drive!

It's been a while since I updated this thread, that's mostly because I've been out driving the car and enjoying it 🙂

I'm using it whenever I can (e.g. whenever it's just me going somewhere without the family!) I've done about 600 miles now since I got it on the road. I've not gone especially far from home, probably 80 mile round trip is about the longest, but now I'm through some of the teething problems (more on that in a moment) it's less to do with whether I trust the car to do it and more to do with just what time I've got available to go for a drive!

I'm really at home now in the car, and double declutching and rev-matching is subconscious now, it's just like driving any other manual car. I've been really enjoying driving it enthusiastically, it feels like the harder I drive it the more it gives back. As it takes a lot of time to get back up to speed there's fun in the game of trying to keep the momentum up with whatever corners the road throws at you! Definitely some of that fiery Italian nature in it.

Here it is on a very exciting (...) trip to a garden centre to buy a birthday present for my Gran!


As mentioned, there have been some teething problems, as is to be expected with a complete rebuild like this.

I spent a couple of weeks chasing why my fuel warning light kept coming on when I had plenty of fuel left, which turned out to be because my new pattern part fuel level float had a hole in it and had filled with petrol and stopped floating! A replacement was only a couple of pounds but it was none the less a bit irritating to be replacing 'new' parts.

I came close to break down one night fairly early on, when after a long spirited drive the car lost power and wouldn't rev. Thankfully I was only 1/4 mile from home and it was late and the roads were quiet, so I was able to limp home in 1st with it popping and spluttering. It turned out that the valve clearances had closed up, causing a loss of compression. It only took 10 mins to readjust them and, touch wood, so far I've not had any sign of them moving further. So fingers crossed the movement I saw was part of the bedding in process since I'd had the head all apart.


As mentioned in other threads I also played with tyre pressures a bit, as initially the handling seemed just a bit too wayward at speed. I had naively put too much pressure in them as I'd had other old vehicles where the owners consensus was that the original manufactures pressure figures were wrong for modern construction tyres. It turns out, as the 500 is so light, that the Fiat standard pressures of approx. 17 front and 24 rear are definitely the right way to go.

I still felt the handling could be improved though. The steering is really nice and playful and you can feel how light and nimble the car is. Yet somehow it's just a bit 'flightly' or 'loose' feeling at times.

When I first got the car on the road I was impatient to get out there so had done a very quick and basic alignment. I revisited this and found that the front was about 1mm toe out, I set it back to 0.5mm toe in, which helped a bit.


More troublingly the rear, unladen, was showing 6mm toe out on each side. I know the geometry changes a bit when loaded up, but 12mm total toe out is a LOT. I was able to adjust the drivers side to get to to 2mm toe out, which is a good improvement and when loaded up would probably be about ball park correct, but it turned out I was at the limit of adjustment on the passengers side.

This is something I'm going to have to look into. It's possibly that the mounting points have moved a little when the floors were replaced prior to my ownership? Or that the car's had a bump at some point and put the rear geometry out a little? Or simply that my pattern part replacement rear suspension arms aren't very accurately made? (quite a likely option I fear...). Either way I think I'm going to have to modify the mounting point to allow me more adjustment.

Removing the positive camber by lowering the car a bit would also help with the handling I think, but that's the start of a slippery slope...

My Daimler is currently for sale, and when it sells I will have some money to pour back into my other vehicles. I'm currently weighing up whether the 500 will get a pile of upgrades to make it faster, handle better and therefore even more fun to drive... Or whether that to just keep the 500s simple charm as it is and to find something else to waste my money on! haha.

Either way I'm really enjoying my 500, and all those long hard months of bringing it back to life were definitely worth it. 🙂