Panda 2012+ What's needed to run MultiECUScan?

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Panda 2012+ What's needed to run MultiECUScan?

Jul 1, 2014
United Kingdom
Hi, if I do end up buying another Fiat - given the shortage of dealerships (especially in NI) - I was thinking of doing a bit of community service and investing in the software, the old laptop that is likely needed, and the cables. Then anybody in NI seeking troubleshooting could come to me for some assistance - as well as self service.

What kit is needed?
What are the costs?
I presume this is done against Fiat's will... or is this perfectly allowed, legit commercially available software?

Toyota has a self service pay per hour system for all sorts of diagrams and whatnot... Citroen / DS had one that was intended for mechanics only (and priced accordingly). Is this done with Fiat's blessing or..?
History OF MES

It was developed by a guy called Yani.. Was a forum supporter back in the day

The Licence is 50 Euro. ( there is a free version.. But it now pretty limited in scope)

You need an ELM327 cable for most modern FIATs

It's now @20 years in development and is Very good
It's not plug and play.. Super simple..

However once spending a little time setting it up its invaluable

As you know a plug. In diagnosis is often £60.up to £130
for @£80 in bits and an old laptop you are in business

Service rests are it's most common use 🙂
Am I right in thinking that changing the oil and oil filter in a 875cc TA petrol Panda 4x4 (2023) requires a service/oil change reset?

It's not essential.. But there are parameters that can be changed

I've yet to reset mine.. 🤔

But I know it can be beneficial

My punto TAs mpg was always upped to 70+ after it's specialists had serviced it 👍
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It's a sure thing then. If and when I come back to FIAT, I will be investing :)
Worth every penny. Mine has paid for its self many times over now. I paid about £125 for the whole kit in a little case with teh software on a emory stick.
You don't need a very powerful laptop either - the forum one (which we bring to events when we remember) is just an old Panasonic Toughbook running Windows 7 (or might even be XP!)
I run it on a 2010 Samsung NC10 with an Atom processor and about 2Gb of ram with windows XP. Tiny netbook is perfect for this application, though a netbook is no where near as robust as a panasonic Toughbook, but can be bought on ebay for about £20 - 30
As pointed out Gendan are the UK Authorised Distributors ( )

Three extra points

1) Go with a cabled USB interface as opposed to Bluetooth especially with Proxy or Key programming work. Bluetooth can sometimes be iffy and this is the last thing you want when programming keys and the body computer. Bluetooth is generally OK for general read, reset and actuator operations

2) Personally I would go with an OBDLINK SX interace as opposed to ELM. A little more expensive but better IMHO.

3) Don't be tempted by cheap ELM kit off eBay or elsewhere. Some work, some don't. Gendan are very helpful and give good support.

The Gendan package covers all these three points!
I should start by stating that I have no professional/financial interests in either Gendan or Shop4parts but I can very strongly recommend both organizations to anyone on here. Gendan gave me a lot of help, as did forum members, when I was thinking about buying a licensed copy of MES and then, when I finally took the plunge and bought it from them, I ran into problems configuring the computer to communicate with the interface - I went for the Muliplex option, a bit expensive but well worth the convenience in my opinion. Both Gendan and Forum members were very helpful in helping me resolve these issues. I think MES is the best value for money when it comes to FIAT diagnostics and lets you do pretty much anything, by way of diagnostics, that the competent home mechanic might aspire too. One of the big problems with vehicle diagnostics is acquiring the knowledge/experience to effectively use the information it gives you and MES is very good at giving suggested actions/fault procedures etc on the right hand side of the page. The best thing to do after you've bought it and got it set up, is to plug it in and "play" with it. I especially like graphing sensor outputs and it's very handy to know what a good trace looks like when looking for a fault.

So what's S4p got to do with any of this? Well very little really but I thought I'd drop them in here as they are one of my main "go to" sources not just for good quality FIAT specific parts - although I tend to buy simple service parts from my local factor - but also because they are very approachable and helpful when I'm trying to source something "difficult". You can just ring them up and they freely give good advice without being too "pushy" or trying to hurry you too much. Between them Gendan, S4p and my local factor (SRS) let me deal with at least 95% of what I do with the "Family Fleet".

Edit. By the way, I completely agree with s130 above when he says to go with a cabled connection. All my stuff, including my VCDS (VAG-COM in "old money") is cabled. You'll really, REALLY kick yourself if you ever loose connectivity when half way through some of the more complex procedures!
Yeah since the stereo was upgraded to the Pioneer unit

I had the flashing odometer in my van which is a Citreon Nemo, which is basically a Fiat van, and it turned out to be the blue & me unit that was faulty, it drained and killed my battery, I ended up sending away to get repaired and that sorted the flashing odometer/draining the battery thing.

Surely your new Cross wouldn't have that issues which is fairly common, is the battery draining?
I've searched the forum and haven't found anything about reseting the petrol version of the TA?
Petrol.. Or Turbo..?

Basically I've not got round to "Resetting the parameters".
On mine I've had to compromise on oil used.. So wanted to see how JUST AN OIL Change. made the tiny motor run 🤔

Punto noisier.. But running well (castrol)

Panda.. Sounded unchanged.. Seemed 'flat'. For @100 miles.. Then performance ok (miller's)

Yes.. I would Love to do the resets and get it 'optimised' 😊

(but a regular on here had a major issue doing the reset and wondered if it had killed the Uniair on an elderly TA)

So I am Confident in saying it's NOT crucial.. Even the service message times out..