Staff Change Welcome Lord Spamalot

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Staff Change Welcome Lord Spamalot

Well chaps, in an effort to make the Leisure Lounge a bit more friendly and useful a new change is upon us.

Inspired by my trip to New York, please welcome the Spamalot forum ( which has arrived to take all the junk posts from the LL and keep them all in one place.

Why you might ask? Well tbh, a lot of the threads in LL get people scared to post there, as well as useful ones getting junked up by spam posts - so this new forum should help alleviate those issues.

It's also hidden from un-registered users so people won't be put off by rubbish to stop them signing up (y)

So how does it work then?

Basically, threads which hold little value to the forum, or those which are just turning to stupidity should be posted to Spamalot - threads which start off well but get trashed will either be moved there, or split to continue there - so if one day a thread goes missing, check there first!

The idea is now the LL will be more friendly for everyone and we can get more of the forum members involved in everyday banter who would usually stick just to their car area.
