General Water ingress

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General Water ingress

Lounge lizard

Jan 21, 2018
Been chasing down a water leak into the boot of our 500, and I got as far as working out it was getting in lower down...

Anyhoo, as it was dry for for once today, I set about hopefully fixing it...


The original seem sealer was cracked and the water was wicking in between the panels.

Also fixed the rear washer hose again...
From the eBay description;

Single component, quick curing high modulus polyurethane adhesive sealant. Suitable for caulking, bonding and waterproofing uses. Non-sag multi-purpose one-part moisture-curing polyurethane sealant that turns into a flexible, durable and resistant elastomeric seam and has a very good adhesion to most industry materials.

Ironically, it has not rained since i did the job...🤣
Water does not rise, unless you're parking in a river 😩.
If moisture has weeped then you need to deal with the source by scraping back the faulty seal and treatment. Otherwise you've simply patched over and rust will continue.
Just re-read what I put in original post, what I meant was as the water ran down, that was the point it was entering the boot.

And as we are all aware in this country we've had a LOT of rain!

I took the L/H liner out and the water was collecting in the cavity at the rear, then ending up on the boot floor soaking the liners.

I'd tried the hose around the aerial base and other points, working my way down...

...and with the hose on that point I could see it seeping in where the body panels overlap.

Bit of a mare getting the bumper off as the lowest screws in the wheel arch liner each side flatly refused to come out...!