General Sticky plastic

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General Sticky plastic


Oct 3, 2014
The black surround of my Speedo and tacho display has gone "sticky". Any magic solutions? I suspect abrasives will just ruin it.
Hi i had my grande punto dash all over that gunk or silicone dressing to be honest i dont know what it was i solved it using alot of patience and time and koch chemie green star at 1:10 and 1: 5 dilutions sometimes they need to be stripped out and repainted
If you can post a picture is easier to evaluate
Hi. Just had the chance to do it. The photo on the left shows where I have dragged my finger on the rubber/plastic in the speedo "tunnel". The one on the right is the tacho surround with fluff off a duster that my OH used.


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The black surround of my Speedo and tacho display has gone "sticky". Any magic solutions? I suspect abrasives will just ruin it.

Nothings new is it.. 🤔

Hi. Just had the chance to do it. The photo on the left shows where I have dragged my finger on the rubber/plastic in the speedo "tunnel". The one on the right is the tacho surround with fluff off a duster that my OH used.
Looks more sticky than mine , if you clean with apc use a soft brust instead of a microfiber or towel , also some detail companies strip down the plastic and recoat it , usualy is not to expensive and become great i painted my ventilation grill from the dash and is really god oem finish, they also can solve the dashes but in my case the man in charge said that my cleanup was nice and maybe i should postpone the refurbish from the dash , 2 year pass and still is good
Looks more sticky than mine , if you clean with apc use a soft brust instead of a microfiber or towel , also some detail companies strip down the plastic and recoat it , usualy is not to expensive and become great i painted my ventilation grill from the dash and is really god oem finish, they also can solve the dashes but in my case the man in charge said that my cleanup was nice and maybe i should postpone the refurbish from the dash , 2 year pass and still is good
Thanks for looking :)