My photography page

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My photography page


Doesn't own a fiat..
Apr 1, 2010
I thought I would share my photography page on here due to some of you being awesome photographers
I was wondering if you had any tips for me as im an amateur at photography but I would like to become a better photographer
I also need a better camera, I dont think my Olympus E410 is upto scratch anymore with only 10mps
If you could take a look and give it a like it would be much appreciated :)
I love my little E410 you don't need fancy equipment to take a great photo, i'm no expert would still consider myself a amature, though i have done a couple of calendars and had a few pictures published in various places

the E410 loves good lighting I bought the FL36R flash which made the world of difference to my pictures

I updated to a EPL-1 because I wanted video capability it also takes very different pictures, there are a lot of fans of the old E1 which can be bought for about £150 because it takes different photos again.
So don't get hung up on kit, you have a great camera to hone your skills

a lot of your pics are slightly to dark or too light, its all practice

this is my Facebook page but I rarely do photography and tend to do more video, quite often i would go for a wonder looking for interesting things then try to capture them in an interesting way
I love my little E410 you don't need fancy equipment to take a great photo, i'm no expert would still consider myself a amature, though i have done a couple of calendars and had a few pictures published in various places

the E410 loves good lighting I bought the FL36R flash which made the world of difference to my pictures

I updated to a EPL-1 because I wanted video capability it also takes very different pictures, there are a lot of fans of the old E1 which can be bought for about £150 because it takes different photos again.
So don't get hung up on kit, you have a great camera to hone your skills

a lot of your pics are slightly to dark or too light, its all practice

this is my Facebook page but I rarely do photography and tend to do more video, quite often i would go for a wonder looking for interesting things then try to capture them in an interesting way

Thanks for the feedback :)
Tbh I've had the camera for about 3-4 years and still getting used to it lol
I very rarely venture out of auto mode haha I don't understand all the settings
Yeah the built in flash is pretty pants on it tbh
Im thinking about getting a cheap HD video camera for any videos I want to do, thats another reason why I wanted to upgrade my camera but I imagine that if I got a new camera then I would be in the same boat and not understand anything on it and probably just stick to auto which isnt a good thing lol
Im hoping to get a photoshoot with a mates e30 which is in the process of having a full paintjob, wheels coilovers etc and will be one of a kind and hes said that he will let me shoot it for him so hoping to get a bit better before then
Liked your page also (y)
Try not to get hung up on aspects like the pixel count. We managed very well without any at one time. I've taken some belting photographs with my old Nikon FE & F3 for well over 30 years. The main differences between then and now is the media and the convenience that brings. Whereas I used to have to wait a few days, or even weeks if I was taking photos on holiday, now I can review them instantaneously and send them round the world in seconds.

The other aspect of digital is that, despite the fact that Nikon have always had great meters for adverse conditions, now the sensors are even better and can rescue a picture that previously would have been lost.

Despite the fact that I've been taking photographs since the '70s, Mrs. Beard, who's a comparative novice has a better sense of composition than me. Many of my pics are derivative; she does have the ability to make a picture rather than just a photograph.


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Learning good composition is far more important than the type of camera you use. It's what elevates a snap into something you'd like on your wall. There's a few ways to do it, there are a lot of books on the subject (and a few good ones) and several online guides. Once you know the basics of the theories, you'll then spot why a good photograph you see online or published works. But to confuse things, it's not just the rules - it's knowing when to fudge or even ignore them altogether.

With your E410 - what modes are you using? it's certainly never worth upgrading until you've figured out shutter priority, aperture priority and manual modes on the camera you have.

Flickr is handy for checking the exif to see the setting someone else used - and it doesn't have to be the same camera, the exposure settings are the same for every camera - but you also need to know which of the settings caused the effect you see in the image. Because the light is unlikely to be exactly the same when you try to take a similar shot.