MI self-cling stickers and tax-disc cards: ADVANCE ORDERS!!!

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MI self-cling stickers and tax-disc cards: ADVANCE ORDERS!!!

Thank you.... :)

However, see this post.... :bang:

Thou hast; and verily shall it be; and always thus. Not thirty minutes of my sundial hath past, since -- alack, crivens, and godsteeth be praised -- many silver shillings bearing thy name appearest like the magical assistant of retailing in the work known as Mr Benn -- a childish entertainment; but a goodly one -- in the account I hold with Signor Paypal (a cunning devil, as thou knowest). So a thousand thanks and prithees; and may the moon forever bless your fleet of mechanicals -- rude, or otherwise...! :nutter:

Mrs homeward took me to Arden of Faversham, to cheer me up -- which it did (I also got absolutely drenched in fake blood: as we were on the front row) -- but I shall be speaking Elizabethan couplets for many a day, my good fellow. How now! :D

That was a like for the Elizabethan Middle English Mr Benn Discworld mashup! (y) Presumably as you disappeared into the changing room & appeared tonight Matthew as.....

Not a like for the Barry White impression obviously. (n)

Not heard of that one by the way - apart from the lack of real blood, was it good?
Not heard of that one by the way - apart from the lack of real blood, was it good?

Yes: actually quite (surprisingly) stunning... -- a hundred minutes of non-stop comedy-tragedy-comedy-ultratragedy: with a surprising amount of blood in it (which has washed out very easily -- so goodness knows what they use: but it looked very real...)! Good fun; with lots of pathos; and quite a bit of comedic violence...! (y)

It's by that well-known author Anon Y Mouse -- but is obviously of its period -- and attracted a bigger audience than Henry IV, part I in the main theatre (which is okay, but not brilliant, sadly...). :rolleyes:
Bumpity-bump-bump.... :D

So far, only seven of us have bedecked our cars with these. If you, too, want to be a member of this rather exclusive club of Midlands Italia members, please get in touch -- PM or email are both fine...! (y)

Remember, all profits (if I ever make any) go to the Forum and to Pinky the Panda...! :cool:
@homeward I'll have some :) let me know what to do and where to send the readies. I'ld like 4 inside window ones (two for each car) (y)

do you mind getting a fair few more, and selling them on at the next show ( Rockingham)?,

I was all set to get mine at Stanford.. but of course they didn't get there, :-{

Fear ye not, I will be there... (even though I have an operation on the Tuesday beforehand...)! :eek:

Seriously, if I can't make it, I shall get Palio or scout, etc. to sell them for me...! (y)

No problem, however you will be there even if we have to get a wheelchair to get you there in :D can't have you miss another meet.
are you in the Punto..??

not sure I'll recognise ALL the FF'ers on the way.. hope to meet others at ASDA.. but see how time goes..,

This is why they should all have FF and MI stickers proudly displayed...! :D

Yup. In the Punto -- as Pippin's dash is currently in bits (I appear to have a short somewhere between the horn and ignition circuit, and you can hear wires chafing...): will also take the opportunity to upgrade the HU, aerial and speakers, whilst everything's dismantled.... :cool:

Was nearly in the Mk3 Panda, though -- as I discovered at lunchtime that the CVT oil filter (£35) had been put where the engine oil filter (£5) should have been, during the car's 100,000-mile service (and manicat and exhaust replacement...). They are exactly the same size and thread... -- one says CVT all over it, though.... :eek:

Thank goodness I'm paranoid about these things, and checked; and that ECP in Banbury stay open to 16:00 -- although my filter remover was too big, and I had to resort to the screwdriver method (lost only a filter's worth of oil, though: so didn't take much topping up...). Now waiting for a CVT filter to arrive from Shop4Parts, during the week, to replace the old one.... :eek:

Anyhoo: aiming to leave here about 07:30; and join the convoy at ASDA.... :)
This is why they should all have FF and MI stickers proudly displayed...! :D

Yup. In the Punto -- as Pippin's dash is currently in bits (I appear to have a short somewhere between the horn and ignition circuit, and you can hear wires chafing...): will also take the opportunity to upgrade the HU, aerial and speakers, whilst everything's dismantled.... :cool:

Was nearly in the Mk3 Panda, though -- as I discovered at lunchtime that the CVT oil filter (£35) had been put where the engine oil filter (£5) should have been, during the car's 100,000-mile service (and manicat and exhaust replacement...). They are exactly the same size and thread... -- one says CVT all over it, though.... :eek:

Thank goodness I'm paranoid about these things, and checked; and that ECP in Banbury stay open to 16:00 -- although my filter remover was too big, and I had to resort to the screwdriver method (lost only a filter's worth of oil, though: so didn't take much topping up...). Now waiting for a CVT filter to arrive from Shop4Parts, during the week, to replace the old one.... :eek:

Anyhoo: aiming to leave here about 07:30; and join the convoy at ASDA.... :)

Glad you're able to make it. (y)

What is wrong with all these garages??!!

I have finally got round to putting one of my MI stickers in a car! :eek: Being somewhat contrary in nature, this is a Klingon sticker, which I've decided to mount on the car's disc holder. :rolleyes: I think it looks ok, and it fills a gapingly obvious space which had been available since I last had a parking permit on display 7 years ago. Maybe I'd be better with a card version, but I'll accept critique tomorrow. (y)