Technical Climatisation

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Technical Climatisation

Carmine Santino

New member
Jan 27, 2022
Hi guys,

Hope someone can help with this annoying little glitch.
Whenever I set the climate schedule on my La Prima it works once and then turns off the scheduling. So it basically only comes on once.
I have tried on the app and on the dashboard with the same result.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Hi @Carmine Santino and welcome :)
I'm sorry you haven't had any responses - there aren't that many 500e users on here yet, and it can take a while for the knowledge bank to build up with new models.
I see you've posted in the 500e section as well - you could try posting this question there to make sure it reaches the relevant members who might have some experience of this.
My only similar experience has been due to a glitch in firmware.
First step would be to make sure you have the latest software installed.
If that doesn't help, reach out to FIAT. They may have a software patch, or be able to tell you when the next software update is due.
Just reporting these issues to the manufacturer can help, so that they're aware of how often a glitch crops up and can correct it in future updates.
Hi. Sorry not sure how I didn’t see this.

Are you setting which days you want the schedule to run as attached?
