
Multipla 4th time lucky*

I know I have mentioned on here about second hand cars and the prices of them here in Crete ...just out of interest I thought I would post this link to a web site that sell cars in Greece ... what do you all think ?

Anywhere hot and sunny (with no road salt) is good for second hand cars, the only problem is the price, in Portugal Multipla's are really expensive for their year (I saw 03 and 04's for sale at 5x the English price). But the bonus is they are not rusty.
Clutching at straws ...

Going to attempt a third clutch change on a multipla.

Will be slower progress this time as this isn't my daily driver so the enthusiasm levels will be low.

Wish me luck!


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Nice to see people out there saving multi's - Ive been so tempted to get a multi of late but every time i go see one all the interior is so mullered I don't think I could live with it. I don't mind tidying up a messy car but i just can't find one that clearly hasnt had gravel filled kids boots scraped all over the dash and everywhere and won't ever look nice without endless replacement trim which i assume is pretty hard to find in good condition.
Well, I got the clutch off using this lot - yeah I need some more tools!

This is what the plate looked like, some interesting marks - perhaps it was getting hot towing caravans with the last owner.

Anyway, knobled the new clutch on and left it for the evening. Next morning I went to put the gearbag back on and noticed i'd put the friction plate on ass backwards. Oh how I laughed (Read cried! rectified that and then put the gearbox up. Was the easiest episode yet. This time I slung a rope around the rear passenger wheel and used it to pull the passenger side of the subframe as far back as I could to give maximum access. Even so it's extremely awkward when on axle stands and will only go into the space through one path, with rotations and giggling. An absolute arse of a job.

Just got to put the rest back together now!
Just the last few pieces of the puzzle to go back together now:
Boost pipe clips
Battery tray
Other bracket that holds the boost vacuum solenoid
Gearbox oil
Wheels back on

The two brackets were very crusty and I couldn't leave them like that so I removed what rust I could and gave them a coat of anthracite ( that's all I had)

Only an hour or so to go I reckon!

Had a right ball ache with the clutch as I thought it prudent to test the clutch just after putting the last of the bell housing bolts in and bolting on the slave. Failed to notice the hairpin clip that holds in the clutch line into the slave had pinged off during my spannering. So I go and stamp on the pedal and nearly put it through the carpet and the gearbox is covered in brake fluid. Yay!
Anyway found the clip (bloody lucky really - try finding one for sale). Installed it and tried pressure bleeding. Still no clutch - slave barely moved. Then read some bleeding clever New Zealanders tip about reverse gravity feeding the bleed nipple. Thought I'd turbocharge the idea with the Gibson's easy bleed. After a couple of tries and a few presses of the pedal I think I nearly have full travel. Worth continuing the slog anyway. For a moment I was convinced I had something else wrong like a misplaced release bearing or something awful.
Well, I spent the last hour on this when I should have been working.

and the clutch?!??!!!

No Bueno.

Pedal is ridiculously light again so it looks like my bleed method didn't last. Perhaps I have a leak somewhere. Will pull the airbox back off and give it another bleed when I have time.

Sodding thing!:cry:
Nice job on the battery and air box mounts.
Clutch bleeding just a pain. Work the slave to get rid of air. Vent on bulkhead behind "battery" etc . Have plenty of money for the swear jar !

Can you set your camera up to video the clutch release arm while you're doing that? Might give some clues as to whether the problem lies within the hydraulics or the clutch housing.

What sort of condition were your clutch release fork and bearings in?

Top effort all round, anyway (y) I think I've got a new clutch slave cylinder knocking about somewhere (goodness knows where :confused:) . If that's the problem, I can send it to you if you cover the postage.
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Can you set your camera up to video the clutch release arm while you're doing that? Might give some clues as to whether the problem lies within the hydraulics or the clutch housing.

What sort of condition were your clutch release fork and bearings in?

Top effort all round, anyway (y) I think I've got a new clutch slave cylinder knocking about somewhere (goodness knows where :confused:) . If that's the problem, I can send it to you if you cover the postage.

Here's one I made earlier: