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500 I think we jumped the queue ;o)


In my quest to bin off the millstone (aka the Touareg not the wife :D) SWMBO and I decided on a little trip around the dealers to see if we could get rid of it without losing too much face. The thought of a £440 :eek: road fund licence at the end of the month was its last nail in the coffin.

First stop the local Fiat dealer to look at Puntos or Bravos, languising in the corner was this little beauty saying 'take me home'

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We got the usual :
  • Can't sell this one for 3 months as we need a demo
  • 4 month wait on build
  • Can't do a deal
  • Your Treg is depreciating by £500 a month
  • Crap APR
  • etc etc
Anyway to cut a long story short, 4 hours later, a lot of 'I must speak to the manager' and negotiaitng the finance it is parked on our drive (those who have been waiting months please don't hate us :rolleyes:). They clearly have had a quiet month / quarter and were desperate to do any deal as they weren't having us leave the dealership.

It has put a massive smile on everbody's face who see and ride in it and even I am a convert and that is saying something :eek:.

The Blue&Me was a breeze to sync and we're loving the voice activated stuff.

Only downside is the numpty who mounted the plates did the usual self tappers through the boot and the are asymmetric on the plate (I am a saddo and like things perfect), the halfwit didn't even dress / paint or grease the holes. I played hell (that is putting it mildly) and was told it is how Fiat UK specify it should be done. I am awaiting a call back from them and expect an interesting chat and will continue escalating and ensure I get a written undertaking that the perforation warranty is not voided.

Anyway enough of my rant off to enjoy the bit of summer we have left (y)

PS: we're stil trying to pick a name, anybody got a suggestion ??

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