Under Consideration Editing an existing guide

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Under Consideration Editing an existing guide

Jul 14, 2020
Over in the Barchetta forum https://www.fiatforum.com/threads/v...angeability-and-sourcing.506397/#post-4729402
@tjr has been assembling information on the variator. I suggested that it could make a useful guide but that would only work if the guide could work like a wiki and have multiple editors over a period of time as more knowledge is acquired. Is there any way the forum could support this or is there another way of having a document of collected wisdom?
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It's a difficult balancing act. I can see the sense in locking something down to avoid future vandalism. If there isn't a wiki style option then maybe forum moderators could be allowed to add collaborators so that if the original author had left/gone silent then guides could still be updated. The same could apply for unlocking and relocking? Just thoughts
If we didn't need the whole guide functionality, one option I know that is available is to create a new forum (called Wiki or something similar) and allow the first posts of all threads in there to be editable by anyone.

We could then create "wiki sections" by creating threads with the model's prefix - which could then easily link and filter from the relevant model forum.

Not the most organized of solutions though...