Rage against the X-Factor

Currently reading:
Rage against the X-Factor

Obviously we have some closet Simon Cowell fans here...

*runs and hides before he gets shot*

Im with Venters - its just a bit of fun to topple Cowell's ego, not really whether we should avoid running kids over or not! :)
to do that annoying quoting myself thing

Mrcento said:
its hugely exagerrating it all to make a point, but its true enough.

at no point was i comparing that to this, i was just stating the Edumnd Burke qutoe can cover other situations.

steve119 said:
He mentioned world hunger as an example!!! The bigger picture here is that he said if someones life was endangered by something then by all means step in! If not then who cares?

YcMing said:
Cheers steve and yes look at the bigger picture, like with the quote you stated, don;t you think it would be more applicable for you to make a post about world hunger/racisms or about christmas number 1?

my above quote covers that. at no point did i compare them, i was talking about the quote. i'd also like to add Bullying to my list. Nobody is under threat as such, would you not do something if you saw somebody getting consistently upset/annoyed by someone who thinks they are better than everyone else?

maybe its just me who would.

anyways, like i've said, im exaggerating to make a point about a quote.its irrelevant to the fact that all the campaign for number 1 is trying to achieve is to make sure it's no longer a certainty the x-factor would be number 1. it's achieved that.
To anyone sat on the fence, the idea of this isn't to get at Simon Cowell (though interestingly enough he is throwing a complete hissy fit by all accounts) it's to stop the constant dominance of the talentless drivel that is churned out en masse just in time for the Christmas number one every year. Does anyone remember Steve whatshisface?

Anyway, original RATM chartage...simply awesome (and this was on Radio One live when the song first came out)
