Folder path contains an invalid character

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Folder path contains an invalid character

Then it shoots straight into installing, no option to change it


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Sorry, was too busy at work yesterday prepairing for a business trip to belfast.

Just awaiting check in lol... can you see if garmin has a clean uninstaller program to completely remove it and any traces from registry.

Also do a disk clean-up and tick all the options including system files, should clear most of your temp program installation files in your user appdata folder... might be an idea to create a new Windows account (profile) to eliminate that its not your profile and appdata, make sure its an administrator account too..
Slight update:

I did as you said and done a disk clean up (got back some room from the window 10 upgrade from Windows 7).I clicked on 'Clean-up Programs and Features' just to see if Garmin was there. Lo and behold there it is!
I tried to uninstall it and that failed


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So this has taken a strange turn.
I went to use a program called Paint.Net and that now is also not 'installed'.
I managed to find it on my E drive (which is my program drive), clicked to open it, said there was an update and got the following error when trying to update:

System.IO.IOException: The device is not ready.

at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectory(String fullPath, String path, Object dirSecurityObj, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectoryHelper(String path, Boolean checkHost)
at PaintDotNet.Setup.InstallingPage.<DoInstallation>d__41.MoveNext() in D:\src\pdn\src\SetupFrontEnd\InstallingPage.cs:line 1055
at PaintDotNet.Threading.Tasks.IterativeTask.IterativeTaskAnon.<OnExecute>d__1.MoveNext() in D:\src\pdn\src\Core\Threading\Tasks\IterativeTask.cs:line 33
at PaintDotNet.Threading.Tasks.IterativeTask`1.<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<StepTask>b__0() in D:\src\pdn\src\Core\Threading\Tasks\IterativeTask`1.cs:line 74

Why is it trying to install to the D drive, which is the cd/dvd drive?????

ive checked where programs are supposed to install through Windows and to me it looks OK.

(I have changed the desktop background)


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Hi Dom, yes windows 10.
Current version is 1703?
(windows update shows everything is up-to-date).

Correct - that should be the Creator's Update.

It is possible to do resets/similar without losing files but losing programs via Windows 10, whether this is something you would be prepared to I'm not sure, reinstalling all programs can be a huge PITA.

It does sound like somethings somewhere along the lines has messed with your drive letterings/installation settings. Can you just run us through your drive letterings (what they should be)?

i.e. mine goes

C: Windows
D: Recovery
E: Disk
Sounds like you did the upgrade from win7 to win10 and you have various programs installed in various places (and different drives)... it could be that this was all messed up, try with a fresh profile and see how that goes.

Failing this, reinstall a clean copy of windows 10 and start from scratch... you could be for ever trying to fix this with no sucess as there is no real way to pinpoint what broke it... it could be numerous issues.

Just saying from past experience.

You can try a fresh install on another drive before formatting your current setup... that's if you have a spare drive.
Thanks for all the help guys.
I caved in and took it to my local PC repair shop.
Turns out it was the registry which fubar'd everything. :bang:

Not sure how it got corrupted, whether it was me, or the latest Windows Update.

Right now it all seems OK and boots up quicker too.
(fingers crossed it stays that way).
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Knowing Windows the updates seem to break more than they fix - I'm plucking up the courage to update mine, had to roll it back several times. Siiigh.