eLearn not behaving well.

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eLearn not behaving well.


Apr 29, 2022

Beginning to think our recently purchased Doblo is a 'good'n' - after completing Oil & Fuel Filter changes etc plus the final 'cherry on the top' has been a replacement of the MAF.
A magical improvemt in running - all exhaust smoking gone - easy tickover - smooth pull away etc. etc.

Quick change of rear Shocks and feels great ................... but for the future >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I purchased a Doblo eLearn download from a source in Italy.
Great difficulty in a Download - kept failing.
When finally I managed to get it down and attempt an install I now get message that a File is missing - see Attached Image.

I have seen the Doblo eLearn in 5 parts for download in the Forum somewhere but cannot find it.

Can anyone help with the Link please?

Then where to go from that point - how to 'stitch' the 5 parts together etc.

I have NERO software - I suspect can that do the job?

Best Rgds


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You then need WinRAR to extract them (just open the first one, WinRAR will do the rest) to a folder which will produce the iso you can then burn with nero 👍
Thnxs for your time on this really decent.

All 5 files downloaded into a Folder - must it be WinRAR used to Unzip? - I was using 7 Zip.
Should I Unzip all 5 files or just File 1?
If I try with File 2 - 7 Zip asks do I want to overwrite the previous and from there on in the situation deteriortates. ;o))
Is WinRAR 'specialised' for this sort of action.
All 5 files appear to have similar if not the same content when I open in 7 Zip. see Attached

Spent a working lifetime in Software Dev - but that started way back in 60's - - all changed somewhat these days. ;o))
If I can get to that ISO you mention - I should be able to grope 'homwards'.

Meantime - thnxs so much - Grateful


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Hi Davren,

Have to forgive me in pestering you.

All up and going now - used WinRAR and let it 'rip' on all 5 Downloads selected - discovered that bit late last evening - it did the magic.

Produced single ISO file - burnt that onto a CD - went from there with an install.

A point not underdstood is that on opening the ISO it immediately sets up a Virtual CD - for my system it is D: - my actual CD is an E:

Is that how it should be?

I spent several hours in uninstalling the Virtual Drive only for it to pop up time and again when opening the .ISO - sort of Wack a Mole stuff. ;o))

Only other point is any idea difference >> setup.exe or ex_setup.exe - both seem to do the same.

Whatever - I can use the end result - have kept a copy lest laptop goes way of all flesh - very grateful.

You know - way I see it is - knowledge on a Computer is a bit like tools for a Car - if you have the right set life gets a whole lot easier.

Very Best Rgds & Thnxs.
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