Implemented Collapsed Vehicle Categories

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Implemented Collapsed Vehicle Categories

Dec 5, 2006
Wrexham, North Wales
OK. I'm not sure I like / approve of the collapsed / congregated vehicle groups.

Taking the now new 500 which includes old 500, new 500, 500L, 500X .....

Firstly the new 500 sub links are not prominent even when highlighted when new posts are available.

Secondly (and I accept the 500 is a wide range of sub vehicles) many of us here specialise / focus say on 500X and the old style menu of 500 models, (let alone other models), were well established, understood and readily navigable.

The original main forum/menu list may have been long and thus spanning pages but it was exact, concise and all readily viewable and trackable with regards to new posts etc. Burying the 500L and 500X etc. into a 500 header does not work for me.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
The problem was it was getting a bit ridiculous and people were posting in the wrong sections as they didn't know to scroll down further to reach other "versions".

You do point out one thing we all overlooked though - the "Last post" now shows the last post of anything in the group.

Let me have a play around with the styling - an obvious thought would be to break the categories down *inside* the grouping, which should solve both the issues.

I have a copy of the forum installed on my laptop, so I'll play around with that later :)
Firstly the new 500 sub links are not prominent even when highlighted when new posts are available.

How about now? I've split them into multiple lines so they are more distinguishable from each other.

I had tried putting extra data on there too (last post etc) - but it got super cramped on a mobile.