Can't setup Ip camera

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Can't setup Ip camera

May 31, 2006
hey all, figured i'd ask for a hand here as i know there are a lot of super smart techy people here :D

been trying to setup a newly purchased wifi ip cam, i actually set one up for a friend a couple of years ago and had no problems.

anyway, i've plugged it into the router via an ethernet cable and found out the IP address of it, installed the software and searched for the camera with that address but it wont find it, tried entering that ip address into chrome to see if it would bring the camera setup but nothing.

i've tried connecting to it with all security software off but it's still not connecting, it's been a while since i've done anything with networks and the like, it's got my head done in :bang:

any help would be brilliant, more than likely missed something obvious.. i've trawled the internet but all i can find is people struggling to view them over the internet.

thanks (y)
Can you connect to the router to see a list of all connected devices and their IP addresses? It could be that the DHCP server assigned it a different address through the cable than it has via wifi.

thanks for the reply, yeah i've been on to the router and got the IP adress for the camera from there. not tried to do anything withwifi yet as i can't log in to the camera via the ethernet yet to set it up
Unfortunately I can't find any documentation anywhere on the net for that camera. Must a Chinese special!

Could you run this on your network on a PC connected to the same network as the camera?

You will get result like the following.


Click the arrow to the left of the IP of the camera to expand services running on this IP address like showed for on my network.


This will show if there's a webserver running or anything else (y)


  • IPScan1.png
    20.4 KB · Views: 232
  • IPScan2.png
    22.4 KB · Views: 185
That means if there ARE any services running on it like a webserver they're on a non-standard port, or it's broken :p

Tried factory reset if it has one?

Aha cheers! Not done anything with ports so will have to look into that tomorrow, not sure about a reset I'll have a look :) feel like a bit of a clown not being able to set up an IP cam lol!
I doubt it will make a difference. Have you got a spare router / switch handy?

You could connect your PC & camera to a spare router and try that. It is a weird one especially as it's happening with a spare....

Did you use his camera power supply too?

Yeah I have another one somewhere, he's actually running the same router as me too.

And no I used mine, never gave that a thought!

I was pretty sure the camera was faulty until the same is happening with the other one :bang: