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Jun 11, 2013
Just on the train (GWR) and this website is blocked due to 'network filter policy' on the free WiFi. I wonder who they subcontract this too and how many other companies use them?


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With two teenage grandchildren and one other not that far off being a teenager I'm very aware and concerned about the dangerous and damaging "stuff" they might come across on the internet. Seems so different to when I was young where my parents forbid me to ever enter a certain notorious local cafe/milk bar or consort with a certain local "Teddy Boy" or any of his well known friends. I didn't like the individual concerned so that wasn't a problem but forbidding visits to that cafe? "Red flag to a bull" comes to mind.

I think more needs to be done engaging with the youngsters and getting them on side with rejecting all this rubbish but, of course, there will always be "the rebels" so trying to eliminate the problems at source should still be attempted - but I don't think you'll ever eliminate that one? Maybe we just have to accept there will be "collateral damage" - like your access problem here - for the greater good? I've learned, during my quite long life so far, that there are many, probably a majority, of good and well intentioned people out there. An even greater number of people who wish no-one any harm but won't take action of any sort to improve things if it causes them any inconvenience or anything other than minimum effort and a relatively small number of truly horrible people who are out solely for themselves and couldn't care less what the cost of their actions are on others. My perception is these are people like drug smugglers and dealers, people smugglers and those engaged in the sex trade (and I don't mean the women themselves) and the darker side of many web activities but there are others who cause misery simply by how they behave in their daily life towards others. The "human condition" is perhaps an experiment of the Gods which has gone a bit off track - perhaps?
I've just tried it on my phone in both Firefox and Chrome and no issue, what browser are you using?

No idea ..

But Ive tried Chrome..and it appears 'better'.. but I wasnt logged in.. so have not tried properly

I have the default Samsung phone and O2 package..possibly I.E. but couldnt be sure

Will attempt to reset password and try Chrome tomorrow

Cheers :)
There was an issue of the intermediary certificate authority expiring
What phone / android version are you using?

Thanks Ben

Its an old Samsung A3
Running Icecreamsandwich IIRC

I tried Chrome the 1 time.. seemed ok
But has been showing the same errors since

It does sound like the issues are with my set.up

Unfortunately .. Tech isnt my thing.. :eek:

Cheers Charlie